EA BAS - Executive agency Bulgarian Accreditation Service - www.nab-bas.bg
Bulgarian Nuclear Regulation Agency (BNRA) - www.bnra.bg
Bulgarian Institute for Standardization - BDS - www.bds-bg.org
National Center for Radiobiology and Radiation Protection (NCRRP) - www.ncrrp.org
NPP Kozloduy - Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant - www.kznpp.org
State Enterprice Radio Active Waste SERAW - dprao.bg
Bulgarian Food Safety Agency - www.babh.government.bg
Executive Environmental Agency - eea.government.bg
Institute for Nuclear Researches and Nuclear Energy - www.inrne.bas.bg
Bulgarian Institute for Metrology - www.bim.government.bg
Ministry of Environment and Water - www.moew.government.bg
Cooperation ELOT - biznes-bulgaria.com/firma/7809-kooperaciya-elot-sofiya
Bulgarian Ground Water Association - www.bgapv.com
EuroBul Control Ltd - www.eurobulholding.com
The Union of the Metrologists in Bulgaria -UMB - www.smb-bg.org
Union of the Quality Specialists in Bulgaria - SSKB - www.ngobg.info
Club 9000 - www.club9000.org
Merck Bulgaria EAD - www.merck.bg
G. C. S. Bulgaria - www.gcsbg.com
Danspharma Ltd. - danspharma.com
LECO Corporation - www.leco.com
Valerus Ltd - www.valerus-bg.com
FOT Ltd - www.fot.bg
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski - www.uni-sofia.bg
University of mining and geology "St. Ivan Rilsk" - www.mgu.bg
Technical University of Sofia - tu-sofia.bg
University of forestry - ltu.bg
Microcomplex International Ltd. - microcomplex.com